AmigaOS3.5 (232/967)

From:Marion E. Wyatt
Date:5 May 2000 at 23:43:31
Subject:Re: boingbag

On 05-May-00 at 06:47:18, Michael Rozeboom wrote these words of wisdom:
> On 03-May-00, you remarked:
>> a> I have downloaded the boingbag file three times. What am I doing
>> a> wrong? Should I abandon the Amiga alltogether and move to the dark
>> a> side because of this?
> You should test it to see if it is corrupt.
> How are you downloading it? I tried unsuccessfully with the AWEB SE
> included with OS 3.5, so I tried Voyager. Seems AWeb was corrupting files.
> Testing the achive confirmed that.
> LZX files seem to be corrupted by Netscape under windows, whereas LHA
> files survive the transistion.
> The BoingBag archive in LZX format is also on Amiga Format CD 51 and 52,
> probably 53 too. Going to miss getting an Amiga magazine with a CD...

AmigActive has a cover CD.

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